Daily and Weekly services
*MODC welcomes visitors for tours, private group classes and celebrations.
MODC offers Buddha teachings and meditation for devotees daily.
Please see daily and weekend schedules.
*All Dhamma friends are invited to join daily live broadcast by MODC's Sanghas on Facebook .
7-8 PM (Pacific Standard Time)
Ratana (Ya-Da-Na) Sutta, the Mettā Sutta and the Paṭṭhāna(Pa-Than)
8-8:30 PM (Pacific Standard Time)
Mettā (Lovingkindness) chant and meditation
*Monthly meditation will be offered on every second weekend of the month
Cancelled during COVID crisis
Generosity is a core principle of Buddhism, and expressing this includes offering food to monks. Everyone is welcome to come to the monastery and partake in this offering.

Breakfast Offering to Monks: ~7:00 AM
Lunch Offering to Monks: ~10:30 AM